Monday, October 23, 2006

Jobs.. Cool

Haha.. my chuurch's building fund is comin.. No idea how to fulfil my minimum $400 pledge in 2 months.. Sad though.. It's from Nov till April nxt year but.. Could only contribute till Dec.. Coz, I wun be in S'pore anymore.. Thats why i'm broke.. LoL.. Still can lend someone $$ even knowing that it will be diff for me to get that money from him back -_-.. Haiz.. Dun care.. I must know how to suffer abit.. How could i face the world in the future without knowing how to sacrifice..

Anyway, miracles do happen :).. Suddenly, Min Zheng get me and others a job as a facilitator- Guiding Singaporean students in educational journey to places like Botanical Gardens, Airport, Esplenade, Raffles Place, Etc. Ok.. I know this job sounds like hell, BUT it's just cool.. haha.. The paid is definately not bad, and the qualification of this job is to be an undergraduate from Uni like NUS or NTU.. ahah.. Since MZ's sister in law is somehow in charge and she needs people, we're hired :P

Haha.. so, today got my first job.. As a first timer, lotsa mistakes.. Improvin soon ;).. The XinMin students are not bad.. The group i had was so called the 'best class in sec 1'.. Look like an appropriate group right??! NAHH!!! THEY @$%@$%.. In just 30 mins, could see that they're not very united.. The clever 1 cling on a side and those lousier on the otehr side.. It's like.. BRAINIST!

Some of them could cooperate but, a few gals monkey around.. They said my face looks like some1 from other class so they want to take my pics, ask my MSN, my number, which school i came from, how old am i and blah blah2...

The gal is chio BUT.. i come there to work.. not to flirt wif some xiao mei mei.. Nahh.. 2 words, DREAM ON.. LoL..
so, i juz answ them: take my pic muz pay money,, call 999, i drop out went ITE, I 15 years ol' and lotsa more nonsense -_-... But, it's still fun :) Coz this kinda experience is a RARE one ;P

signin off


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