Sunday, October 29, 2006


shoot.. bad news... Tmr is my O and.. i'm.. Sick? okays.. Its recoverin as i update this blog.. But just now was bad.. Puke ard the toilet -_-.. Great news yeah.. my first puke in Spore.. LOL..

Been bumpin to ppl nowadays.. Yesterday bump to Yi Hsuen, last time sec 3 at tanglin and transfer to kranji sec...

Bump to Sakinah today, studyin wif Shikin and get ready for her O.... Bump to that 2 CJC guys.. again?! Okays.. thats weird.. been bumpin to them like 4 or 6 times in one week!!.. Izzat a sign for me to go CJC? Nahh.. i got a place to go.. haha.. today see one of them agn at Jurong East intechange.. Bump to Kevin.. the break dancer of our skwl.. we take 51 together from Juron East.. haha.. I like magnet.. unlike pole attract... *nonsense*

Okays.. dun feel like update alot of things coz now abit dizzy.. Ytd was veri Shiok.. anyway.. Not everythin is perfect.. After a whole tiring day of church activities, i went home and log in my MSN.. yeah.. and... haiz.. dun feel like tokin bout that.. haha.. Its just that.. hmm.. Girl's mood swing is.. ermm.. abit too extreme? I mean.. do i do anythin wrong? Enlighten me... Man.. it really sux.. Haha.. luckily, some Indonesian friends were online.. havin abit nostalgia.. 27 Oct LEAVIN SPORE!!!!!!

man.. i really dizzy.. okays.. thats all..



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