Monday, August 20, 2007

till DEATH set us apart?

guess how fragile marriage is when there is no more trust and love..

Guys.. Remember.. You VOWED to love your wife..
Hey.. you're a guy.. common sense.. Does love means u hit your wife? chasing her ard with knife? Spit on her? Even curse her?
Who has been the bread winner? You.. or. her? Today.. You just lost my respect..

Girls.. Dont forget.. You PROMISED to be with him till DEATH set u apart..
So.. Whats with looking down on him? Him being bankrupt really shocked you? Do you really love him? Cant you give your lover a second chance? Whats with all the lies to corner him? Cmon.. Your an adult! Cant you even support your husband? Im speechless..

Hey.. Do both of you realize that your act will affect your two daughter? Dont make me laugh.. Fighting for them.. but.. in the process.. leaving a huge big scar upon them..

Hey.. Im tired of these things.. I cant do nothing.. Its your marriage.. Fix it.. or.. Leave it..

And please.. Dare to hurt her.. Im not gonna stand do nothing.. I'll make sure I'll fly over and pawn your head..
I really meant it..

Sunday, August 19, 2007

More Than A Memory

Guess what.. to have found you is really a miracle :)..

Been listenin for some song.. and, this hoobastank song struck my head..

More Than A Memory

I've become tired of wasting my time
Thinkin' bout choices that I've made
Cuz i can't move forward while looking behind
The only thing I can think to do now is change my way
That I use to be cause now it's seems crystal clear to me

Cuz you're so much more than a memory
Cuz you're so much more than a memory

It wasn't fair for me just to go
Act like I knew what you've been through
Cuz I wasn't there and I'll never know
Couldn't see from your point of view
But I'm doing all I can for you to see
That I understand.. That I understand

Cuz you're so much more than a memory
Cuz you're so much more than a memory
So don't close my door on what still can be
Cuz you're so much more than a memory

Please don't go cause I've finally know
That the past is gone and I was wrong and I was wrong

to have found YOU is just a miracle

Great.. Im at Singapore now.. been 4 days here and found out that nothing much has changed..
Summarize things up..

1st day.. reached singapore at 12 am! omg.. still need to accompany my friend, Charles at the airport till 7 am.. haha.. he has got a flight to Indo at 8.. gotta see him soon at Indo~
Frm airport, went back my aunt's place.. gettin scold by my grandma coz i din imform the time i come bak spore.. haha.. 10 am, reached home. omg.. nth change.. memories of my friend partyin there still stuck in my mind.. party animals.. went to schl.. findin ol friend.. and beloved teacher.. go schl.. cant find few teachers.. findin jaz.. cant see her anywhere.. called her.. no answ! where are you?! called boon keng and samuel to schl.. haha.. went hawker to eat! omg.. i miss spore foods! i ate like siao.. haha.. then go play pool.. then play basketball.. go IMM.. lotsa things changed.. ate sushi.. went home.. fetch my dad from airport.. he's comin spore too for check up.. haha.. went bak.. sleep.. too tired.. 24 hrs+ havn sleep..

2nd day.. accompany my dad to mount elisabeth.. ate lunch with him.. after that find my indo friend.. ELICE! the gothic gal.. haha.. went out wif her and some other indonesian.. watch lisence to wed.. haha.. funnie show.. touching also.. after movie, went to eat! ayam penyek and ice cendol.. omg.. so nice! haha.. after that, called my backside.. JUN CHAO! he was shocked to hear my voice.. haha.. called him over, we played pool.. ate prata near his hse.. went bak ard 11.30 pm.. received sms.. cant sleep veri much.. shoot.. haha..

3rd day.. hang out with my "family".. haha.. Ben, Charlotte, FuYu, Kimberly.. and me of course.. the party starter.. haha.. its always fun when im ard ryte.. haha.. ate carls jr. omg.. i ate FRIES!! i told myself not to eat for a month.. haiz.. there goes my record not eatin fries.. played with them till 5.. haha.. fun! Charlotte goin to Toronto. gonna miss everyone. haha... Today's my dad's b'day too! haha.. ate dinner at sushi tei.. afterthat waiting for fireworks.. no fireworks.. sian.. me n bro play pool.. trashed him.. hahaha.. i bully small kid.. went home.. there goes my days..

Today! went church.. omg.. Joyce Mayer is preaching.. Basically she teaches us to let our love flows. Dont keeps all yr love to yrself.. love yr enemies.. etc.. bahh... which sane ppl going to help others thats stabbing him.. lol.. lucky im insane.. im not sane.. haha.. guess thats what im doin.. but.. I've got someone that i can shower with love.. meeting her in a week :).. miss her! After that, hang out with ENZO, BIG HEAD, STON-GE, LEGEND.. lol.. back to e ol clique. have fun.. watch Jay Chou's movie.. "secret".. Everyone almost cried. some might has cried :P.. haha.. but not me.. too baddd.. went to wisma for awhile.. went back, play pool.. eat PRATA!! AGN? lol.. went back.. chatting wif Ida :).. sort things out.. omg.. thanks God for today.. im happy that things are clear.. and here i goes bloggin my life away.. haha

Signin Off..

Friday, May 25, 2007

guess who's bak..

LoL. its been years since i've blog..

Hmm.. 3 months.. huahaha.. pretty bored of internet..
been watchin anime..

aniwae.. new semester had begun.
livin in new apartment..
been practisin guitar for fun...
sun set at 9.30 pm..
been rottin wif fellow indonesian such that my england gettin less powderful..

bwahahaha.. aint sure tho.. com sci lesson evry mornin.. gotta get to blog evry mornin then..

BoRINGGG.. hehe.. comin bak spore SOOOONNN!!~~

im freakin excited :D

Sunday, March 04, 2007

livin juz okay

hmm.. in 2 months time, gotta get my condo ready..
livin wif an Indonesian roommate..
Fully furnished.. thx God.. juz hope my mum say OKAY.. haha

Hmm.. 1/2 month nvr blog already..
forgot what thing happens..

nth actually very special..

Hmm.. Im rotting..

Time is really wasted..
School? BAHHHH....

summer summer please come soonnnnn....
Rotting is just sucks..

signin off

Saturday, February 17, 2007

No worries

LOL.. went schl today.. FK la! attended maths class onie..
hahaha! i missed the whole Physics class and miss that bloody quiz! arghh!!
Then, coz bring my laptop.. Too engrossed with it.. Missed English class.. haha..

Went to see Anna today (homestay coordinator).. HuH! she said come back on tues and there'll be a new reccomended homestay for me..

Went to cell group group.. Premiere at a gal called Ivana's hse.. haha.. I missed the "Indo nite" party and went to cell grp instead..
see~, gododie me.. haha

Cant wait for tmr snowboard.. hehe. .evrythin's ready.. Juz gotta reach there at 8 am! damn early lah! hahaha..

signin off.


Friday, February 16, 2007

15th Feb

Ytd.. Valentine's day.. haha..
This year, Poof! No valentine.. As usual, Flowers, chocolate, and couples are everywhere..
Hehe.. Kinda envy them.. Wonder when an eve will catch my eye and fall on to my arms..
It's just.. not the time YET.. haha

B'day~ LoL.. Turned 17..
Foo! can legally watch porn at Indonesia.. hahah..
Arghh! I could get my drivin lisence legally also!
Days are normal..
Mornin call from Steph. haha.. THX!
nvr late for Physics..
Skip Econ class.. Went out eat Korean Food instead..

Suppose to have prayer meeting today.. haha.. went to Davin's hse..
Guess what?!
surprisee!! ahah.. man, im fucked.. i shld hav known this comin..
hehe.. Thx GUYS!! Love e cakee and e pressie :)
LOL... Bloody bashed till like shit..
but.. Im just happy.. haha..

Went to the "actual" prayer meetin..
haha.. went back from there..
spend some time outside hse- got one playgrd.. (I DUN WANT TO REACH HOME TAT FAST~!!)

Sitting at the playground..
Look upon the stars..
How beautiful is the star tonite..
Cant find em elsewhere...
I could stare at them the whole nite..

Savin money.. ahah.. gotta hav a busy Sat!
-NBA all star EAST WEST conference 2007! (gotta watch it LIVE at Fender's hse)
-Snowboardin.. haha.. early in e mornin..
-Gotta CUT my hair.. ahah.. Japz, Korean, or HK?

P.S. Thx guys for wishin my B'dae :)~! appreciate it ALOT!!

Signin off

Thursday, February 08, 2007

hear your voice agn..

LOL.. almost cried!!
reason.. lame... haha.. called back spore ask result..
hear the voice of you all.. omg.. super miss you all larh!!

24/7 Textbook

Goash! As expected.. overslept todae.. haha.. late for Physics agn...

Bloody hell.. Today English test..
Skip Econ class to study that damn thing but.. Distracted.. In that 2 hrs.. Spent 20 min for Eng..
The other 100 minutes? Pool n table tenis.. BAHH!!

arghh.. Made 1 fataal mistake today.. ahah.. I must re-learn how to FOCUS! Geez..

Tmr got that darn Physics MID TERM!!! LOL.. funny ryte? Others havin fun playin and workin.. except for takin result*
But im facin a bloody mid-term tmr.. and.. it's PHYSICS!! the subject that i 50% miss every mornin..

foo.. thx God tmr is friday!! I loveee Fridayy!! only got 2 subject... Physics and Maths.. haha..
Gonna bring my com to sckwl.. haha.. Gosh.. Muz be prepared for my freakin com to be monopolized by friends..

Haha.. Here is the pic of the Indon.. haha.. On my left n right.. Stephanie and Charles..
Those 2 love to mess wif my freakin com..


OMG... Today is.. 9th of Feb (Spore time..)!!! It's... MY BRO's B'dAY!!!! haha.. Turned 15 erh.. Just the same age when i went to Spore.. lol.. hope he enjoy life there.. Before he was kicked here and missed all his FUN..

and today.. If im not wrong.. O level result taken!! FOOOOOO!!!!

Good luck guys!!! all the best..

from here onwards.. we will be taking diff paths..
I just hope.. Everyone will be okay..
Miss everyone.. i really wish i was there.. to share all the joy and tears..
OMG.. i suddenly feels.. Home[SPORE]sick!!!

I cant do anything here but pray for u all.. :)

Signin Oooouutttt!!

Busy.. busy.. busy..

Omg.. Tmr is the result day for our O lvl!!
gosh.. been prayin hard for evrone! ganbatte!!

alryteee.. can blog again.. haha..
Juz figure out how to use this new template.. and figure out how to use that bloody imeem..

Schl sucks! i miss SINGAPORE~~
ANyway.. Ppl there are having their holiday now.. And me?! freakin HW evryday.. BAhh..

Im sick bout this..
Cant i just.. REST?!

Blehh.. Anyway, no matter wad.. i still enjoy my life.. ha2..

Gooshh.. I forgot to bring my wallet to skewl todae.. blurr me..

Yayness! They signed that freakin PAPER!! IM OUTTA THIS BLOODY HSE NXT MONTH!!

Hmm.. schl is.. the same monotone things.. haha.. But.. Who cares?

Aint sure why.. but.. suddenly i feel high and happy..
Blahh... not high coz drugs.. haha.
Maybe coz.. I goin to change homestay?

haha.. wad else happen recently?

nth much.. OMG.. It's 1 AM!! haha.. I gotta SLEEEPPPPP or i'll overslept tmr -_-..

heck care.. Im gonna be late to schl as ALWAYS.. haha..
1st period is Physics.. Bloody teacher..

Mikez DONE!

Signin ouuuuuutt!! FOOOO..

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