Saturday, February 17, 2007

No worries

LOL.. went schl today.. FK la! attended maths class onie..
hahaha! i missed the whole Physics class and miss that bloody quiz! arghh!!
Then, coz bring my laptop.. Too engrossed with it.. Missed English class.. haha..

Went to see Anna today (homestay coordinator).. HuH! she said come back on tues and there'll be a new reccomended homestay for me..

Went to cell group group.. Premiere at a gal called Ivana's hse.. haha.. I missed the "Indo nite" party and went to cell grp instead..
see~, gododie me.. haha

Cant wait for tmr snowboard.. hehe. .evrythin's ready.. Juz gotta reach there at 8 am! damn early lah! hahaha..

signin off.



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