Sunday, January 14, 2007

if it pleases you

Time does heal all the wound.. But.
time tries to steal my past memories..
memories that hurts.. realli hurts..
that memories also comes with the sweet one..
shall i let time consume them all?


Gosh.. schl has started for 1 week..
met all kinda ppl..
yea.. lotsa ppl frm my race..
ahah.. some are nice...
but some.. fuck em..
does smokin pot makes em so big?
bunch 'f mummy's boys...

schl quite nice... the subj are competitive..
but.. timing are sucks.. frm 8 am to 5 pm..
Gosh.. Where e hell are the time to lax?

took 4 subj..
fukin maths teacher.. 1st time i hate my maths teacher.. He's like dead person talkin..
no energy.. he need to sleep more.. got Ph.D er? How i wish more model girls takin Ph.D and teach me maths..
LOL.. just my imagination..

Hmm.. flipped open the phyics book.. shocked to see.. I've learnt most of em like.. years ago back in Indo..
Shyt. i couldn recall most of em.. poor memory..
Man.. Indonesian's curriculum is really good.. But y there're lotsa idiots? just like me..

Best!!! 1st time i really njoy english lesson.. we ate and drink coffee while discussing things.. It's really fun..
no pressure YET.. haha..

Bloody hell! It's University subj.. the lecturer just tok n tok.. ppl ard me scribblin notes..
but wtf he's tokin abt.. i cldn catch ani.. this proves.. Im still aint gud enuff..
Or maybe im not born businessman? LOL.. nth impossible for me!! Go go mike!!.. lol.. self encourage..

Livin here.. alone.. sux. But.. I've faced this before.. shld be no prob..
the weather is sucky.. sux!! Now it's freakin -8 degree outside.. even my saliva freeze in seconds..
A few days on afternoon.. it's just 3 degree.. got once 0 degree.. fuck it.. how to study in half frostbite state...

think of my life...
as long as i live, i learn..
guess it's right.. still got tons to learn.. ppl could only learn when they do mistakes.. been reflectin on my mistakes..
bahh.. realize im real idiot.. haha..
how i wish i could spin back time...

gosh.. haha.. dunno y i suddenly feel this dwn.. anyway.. on 'depressed' mood now..
man.. been questionin mah self..
what the fuck am i doin here?
Is coming here really for my own good?

i miss the old times. miss the days i fool ard.. and give ppl 'i dont give a damn' attitiude..

but since i stepped out frm that country.. things have been diff..
really different.. i still have the fun.. but.. where is my 'i dont give a damn'?

fuk it.. all tats left is burden.. guess i aint got any choise..
but to carry it all e way on this journey..

signin off


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