Sunday, December 31, 2006

new year.. resolution??

these few days.. feels so fucked up -_-.. coz my day is super boring.. Been 3 weeks in Canada and things dont feel right.. How could it be right? all the freakin shop closed at 5 or 6! wtf.. i really cant do anithin.. Alright.. better not complain somemore.. six and a half hours to new year -_-.. Even though Spore had their new year nine and a half hours ago..

Anyway.. new year.. things must start up FRESH.. Yea... fresh.. the neighbour has been renovating their hse.. ppl have been searching for new apartment. I've been cleaning the hse.. I've bought all my shirt on boxing day.. yea.. Everything is done. and tomorrow.. And in a few hours, Im gonna be new!!

Hmm.. list of NY resolution..
1. To accomplish 2007 new year resolution.
2. To make sure i do what i say.
3. Wake up early..
4. Try to pon school for at least once (i nvr pon schl before..)
5. To get better in basketball.. 2007, must grab the rim!
6. Six packs!
7. To graduate from college with good results..
8. To manage my $$ properly..
9. Try not to forget my friends' name.. (believe me anot. this is diff.. Each year i forget 1.. In 1 month, i forget that square face's name is Mr.Eng.. -_-.. all i remember is square face.. haha..)
10. To make sure i shop more on 2007's boxing day..
11. More independent?

yay yay!!.. Everything is listed.. Hope i can finish it all at the end of 2007!

Anyway.. new year, new principle..
2004- No worries, happy go LUCKY!
2005- Focus.. Mind over body
2006- Impossible is nothing.. He's human.. I also am.. I can do anything that other can..

and 2007!!
this year i muz stick to 2 principle.. yea.. 1 is improved frm last year tho..

- when things are so called impossible.. u must show that u could do it.. But when things are possible.. u gotta work harder to accomplish it..
- Dont complain.. Complaining showed that you're WEAK.. that you're unable to handle things.. Dont complain.. FIX it..

fooo! listed everything.. haha, and im proud to say.. some of the 2006 resolution that's been accomplished

1. I learned how to drive.. Haha.. Now i could drive manual cars *grin
2. I know how to swim!! Omg.. greatest achievement on 2006.. I wun sink anymore.. tee hee..
3. I've done what my parents wanted for so long.. haha.. (They wanted to kick me out to Canada -_-)

yea.. haha.. I've failed some of 2006 resolution like having my driver lisence..

Thanks God 2006 have been fun.. Even though O level was struck in our head.. But still.. Life is soooo good.. *until now* Sigh*.. Thanks to my friends around me.. haha. They've been accompanying me around.. Joke ard.. yea.. n they remove all my stress n burden ;)..

Hmm thx mum n dad for 2006.. Thx for all the scolding and discouragement.. (yea.. conservative chinese.. they believe that they could made their son work hard by discouraging them).. Anyway.. It works.. haha.. Thx for the hard work kickin me here :) And thx for all the money they gave me.. haha.. love you :)

peace out..


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