Friday, December 22, 2006

a whole new world

yeah.. at last.. my parents goin back Indonesia.. haha.. hope they have a safe flight.. yeah2... they must!! haha.. alright.. Now.. Im really all alone.. Bahh.. i tot it'll be fun.. haiz.. lets just hope the fun part will come later.

yeah! since im here.. n nothin to do.. YET.. (coz my schl start on Jan).. I shld do sumthin to excite myself.. haha.. yeah!! here got lotsa things here that i could do to EXCITE myself butt.. nahh.. its way too dangerous and risky for an innocent boy like me :P..

Hmm.. it's cool to be independent but.. sometimes i dont have faith in myself.. haha.. So, to get things right, 1st thing i must do is to resist temptation around me.. haha.. YEAH!! kkz! Mike.. no more hentai.. no more surfing those "websites".. haha.. and Mike.. no more naughty things under your parent's nose.. Mikes gonna be a good good boii.. haha..

alright... time to change my world.. hmm.. I dunno how long it'll take but.. I will achieve these..
i will DUNK! i will create my EIGHT PACK! haha.. N i will enter UBC..

haha.. At spore.. Im just a noob basketball player who could only trash talk to evryone.. Hmm.. My daily monotone schedule is..
1. Study (bookworms)
2. Play (basketball n pool)
3. Church (cell grp n chc)
4. Go fren hse fuk ard..

Hmm.. gotta try new things now.. Gotta go to gym n build up!! yeah2!! haha.. if i think abt myself, actually there is a big FAIL stamped across my head.. yeah.. i can only do well academically.. hmm.. nth else? I know im not a superman but.. sometimes.. i wish i could do and good in many things.. bahh.. this is what happen when your parents dont let u to try somethin different.. bahh! i wanna do many2 things in my life.. haha.. some things are just too dangerous so i wun consider doin it unless im in the state of dying :P.. but.. Im bloody hyper.. i wanna do this and do that -_-..

bahh.. time of enjoyment is over.. haiz.. preety sad.. (lotsa my 'older' fren say ppl shld fuk ard more n hav fun on his youth).. wtf wif my world.. its like.. All my fren could fuk ard more but i muz get serious in things now.. my world is dictated by my mum.. haiz.. I dun wish to complain anyway.. im just frustrated -_-.. too much burden to take.. anyway.. heck care wif it.. Im completely on my own now.. haha.. so.. time to do somthin.. Mike's wing has just started to grow! yippie!

*Santa.. I've been a good boy.. So.. U' better do your job properly*


zzZZZ.. These few days.. Your face had always came out in my dream.. ;).. that last hug.. the warmth feels like forever.. ~J~

Merry Christmas everyone!


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