Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Yea.. today 1st day f college.. cant say much.. orientation.. free lunch.. quite lil ppl come coz pourin like shiit!! omg.. winter + rain.. no good -_-.. Anyway.. just when im about to sit.. my ear radar found some indonesian slang.. Bahh.. haha.. uhh noo.. Quite lotsa Indon ppl.. N they say summore will come tmr?! OMG.. i allergic? LOL.. cant say tat.. They my ppl.

The coordinator give the student some tour ard the college.. not bad.. got student lounge.. can play pool.. haha.. Yay.. no need like spore go RC waste money.. haha.. here play for free.. everyday.. Went back spore can kick some ass liao.. haha.. Good thing is.. they got their Gym across the street.. Juz show them your ID card n you could come in for free.. haha.. nice.. yea.. thats 2 of the thing i love most about the college.. haha..

Hmm.. WTF!! i still need to went for placement test! they'll test my english n maths.. -_-!!! I really nvr know got such test.. they ask us to sit n suddenly take.. bahh.. The reason i take O level is just to avoid these replacement test so i could just went n study.. WTFFFFFFF.. yea.. *Michael dun complain too much pls ~ remember yr NY resolution...

yea. after the whole thing make my 1st fren here.. ahah.. Hongkong ppl n Indo ppl.. went to Metrotown.. biggest shopping centre in Vancouver... (2 blocks away frm my hse)
Guess what.. i saw the most displeasing things in my eyes today.. bahh.. i think ppl here has lesser shy bone than i have.. Quess what.. Im in a Zara shop browsing something to buy.. As i browse, i saw a couple in frnt of me.. Suddenly, the man grope the gal's butt.. (she wear Super mini skirt!!) Yea.. the guy is pleasing his hand till the gal sway his hand away n they started to hug flirt ard.. gosh.. I dunno if its me thats who conservative or that's normal in daily life.. haha.. Maybe its just me.. lol. Not my prob anyway.. lol..

Yea.. went home.. done nth. but. yea.. met new friend.. todays good..

tmr gonna be better.. yea!

signin off


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