Sunday, January 21, 2007


Stress mode.. ON!

Fuck it.. got prob wif the homestay..
I respect them.. i knw i live in their hse.. i follow their fukin rule..
I helped them do their chores (which im not suppose to do).. I say sorry even though im not in the wrong..
I showed them my generousity.. I fuckin do whatever they ask even tho they're not my parents..
Bahh.. Guess, this is the result bein good.. They wanna play? I'll show em what MEAN is..

Fuck.. ended up wif a person wif split personality.. I dont mind her complainin. It's her hse anyway.. But.. I fukin hate bein shouted or yelled by others.. Even if i did DO wrong.. cant she just tell me peacefully? wyf wif her dogs.. I just dont like em in my room.. cant I? "I cant take it anymore.. Michael, If you got any prob wif the dogs, you could find another homestay"..
Yea right.. you dont need to yell.. I got EARS! not only one.. but a pair of them.. I'll bloody take my ass off your fukin roof..
Who the fuck wanna stay wif paranoid like you?

Stress mode.. OFF!

pheww.. haha.. everythin is out..fells better.. haha.. Guess when ppl become older.. They become more sensitive.
This is what happen to my 'host mum'.. man.. The 1st few days.. She is nice.. very nice.. as time flies, her true colour reveals.. Yea.. I wonder how her husband could tahan bein yelled by her almost evryday because of tiny things... Gosh.. she is damn pesky.. Just a lil mistake and she freakin yell to let the world know..

No no no.. that aint cool..

this adds up the criteria for my "dream" wife.. LOL..
-she must be able to talk things peacefully..

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