Sunday, October 29, 2006


shoot.. bad news... Tmr is my O and.. i'm.. Sick? okays.. Its recoverin as i update this blog.. But just now was bad.. Puke ard the toilet -_-.. Great news yeah.. my first puke in Spore.. LOL..

Been bumpin to ppl nowadays.. Yesterday bump to Yi Hsuen, last time sec 3 at tanglin and transfer to kranji sec...

Bump to Sakinah today, studyin wif Shikin and get ready for her O.... Bump to that 2 CJC guys.. again?! Okays.. thats weird.. been bumpin to them like 4 or 6 times in one week!!.. Izzat a sign for me to go CJC? Nahh.. i got a place to go.. haha.. today see one of them agn at Jurong East intechange.. Bump to Kevin.. the break dancer of our skwl.. we take 51 together from Juron East.. haha.. I like magnet.. unlike pole attract... *nonsense*

Okays.. dun feel like update alot of things coz now abit dizzy.. Ytd was veri Shiok.. anyway.. Not everythin is perfect.. After a whole tiring day of church activities, i went home and log in my MSN.. yeah.. and... haiz.. dun feel like tokin bout that.. haha.. Its just that.. hmm.. Girl's mood swing is.. ermm.. abit too extreme? I mean.. do i do anythin wrong? Enlighten me... Man.. it really sux.. Haha.. luckily, some Indonesian friends were online.. havin abit nostalgia.. 27 Oct LEAVIN SPORE!!!!!!

man.. i really dizzy.. okays.. thats all..


Monday, October 23, 2006

Jobs.. Cool

Haha.. my chuurch's building fund is comin.. No idea how to fulfil my minimum $400 pledge in 2 months.. Sad though.. It's from Nov till April nxt year but.. Could only contribute till Dec.. Coz, I wun be in S'pore anymore.. Thats why i'm broke.. LoL.. Still can lend someone $$ even knowing that it will be diff for me to get that money from him back -_-.. Haiz.. Dun care.. I must know how to suffer abit.. How could i face the world in the future without knowing how to sacrifice..

Anyway, miracles do happen :).. Suddenly, Min Zheng get me and others a job as a facilitator- Guiding Singaporean students in educational journey to places like Botanical Gardens, Airport, Esplenade, Raffles Place, Etc. Ok.. I know this job sounds like hell, BUT it's just cool.. haha.. The paid is definately not bad, and the qualification of this job is to be an undergraduate from Uni like NUS or NTU.. ahah.. Since MZ's sister in law is somehow in charge and she needs people, we're hired :P

Haha.. so, today got my first job.. As a first timer, lotsa mistakes.. Improvin soon ;).. The XinMin students are not bad.. The group i had was so called the 'best class in sec 1'.. Look like an appropriate group right??! NAHH!!! THEY @$%@$%.. In just 30 mins, could see that they're not very united.. The clever 1 cling on a side and those lousier on the otehr side.. It's like.. BRAINIST!

Some of them could cooperate but, a few gals monkey around.. They said my face looks like some1 from other class so they want to take my pics, ask my MSN, my number, which school i came from, how old am i and blah blah2...

The gal is chio BUT.. i come there to work.. not to flirt wif some xiao mei mei.. Nahh.. 2 words, DREAM ON.. LoL..
so, i juz answ them: take my pic muz pay money,, call 999, i drop out went ITE, I 15 years ol' and lotsa more nonsense -_-... But, it's still fun :) Coz this kinda experience is a RARE one ;P

signin off

Friday, October 20, 2006

Fats.. Useful?

Just realizing.. that.. Weight helps? haha.. Coz of prelim, i gained weight.. I juz couldnt stare at the textbook and absorb it without my mouth munching sumthin.. (>_<)!

Today, play basketball wiff Yiu Hung, Jun Chao and Boon Keng..
Me n Boon vs the other 2.. and we play "Best of series 7" LOL.
Result? after 7 game of 7 balls, they won 4:3.. Sad.. The last match lost by.. 1 ball?!!.. LoL.. Should have won.. So i could Trash Talk them..

Before the last match, we plus Kian Seng and Aaron go carry the study bench! From 2nd floor to basketball court.. Shoot.. Super tough.. Somemore, while carryin the approx. 120 kg bench (made of wood.. REAL wood.. not those cheap processed wood...), my back got slashed by a window frame... And the pain is.. unbearable.. Yiu Hung said his scar at his back is worse.. Oouch.. That hurts..

After the whole thing, realized that gain weight is useful.. Juz now banged by Boon, i only fell abit.. Before, i could flew and roll on the court.. Haha.. and, my rebound also improved.. It's true.. use your weight to gain momentum.. LOL.. i know it sounds funny.. But.. It really works.. I tapped Yiu Hung ball quite a few times and.. It feels good.. The next time.. Its steamboat time..

Side effect of gaining weight: Stamina decreased..

LoL.. twin-headed sword.. you get to play better but lesser stamina to run.. Gain weight is good? Yours to judge :)

Signing off

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Practical exam

Super surprised.. Pendulum came out for physics!? Its like.. a gift from heaven.. Anyway, thx God things went smoothly.. I did my best though.. So, i wun regret for the result..

After the exam, we're quarantined.. Inside amphi theatre, play cards.. Lose S$ 4.50.. Min Zheng banker.. Bloody hell.. I've promised not to gamble anymore.. After some previous incident.. Anyway, Soon Chang said about its good losing money.. He said that means we had used our luck during the exam period.. Hope thats true..

Finished bein quarantined, Soon brought me to his house.. After slack for a while, went to west coast CC.. play Ball..

Upon reachin, surprised to see lotsa Kent Ridge people.. I thought that they're waitin for ball.. Haha.. Actually they got some fight.. Haiz.. Unfortunately, they've stopped.. saw no fight.. Coz got teacher interfere.. Sad though.. I want to know how S'porean student fight.. But i know the main difference.. In S'pore, when they fight, see police, they run.. But in Indonesia, when students fight, UNSTOPABLE!.. See police, the police run for their life.. LOL.. quite stupid though.. Police there is meant to be bribed.. Nth more.. I think, the righteous police has extinct there..

Played with Kent Ridge ppl.. played 2 match, Lost 1st round, Win 2nd round.. They not bad.. Unfortunately, today i not on form.. I think i wake to early.. 7.00 am.. But.. Machine M wun get down so easily.. Haha..

signin off

Monday, October 16, 2006


lol.. at bighead house.. 4 guys gay ard.. juz testin...

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