Sunday, December 31, 2006

new year.. resolution??

these few days.. feels so fucked up -_-.. coz my day is super boring.. Been 3 weeks in Canada and things dont feel right.. How could it be right? all the freakin shop closed at 5 or 6! wtf.. i really cant do anithin.. Alright.. better not complain somemore.. six and a half hours to new year -_-.. Even though Spore had their new year nine and a half hours ago..

Anyway.. new year.. things must start up FRESH.. Yea... fresh.. the neighbour has been renovating their hse.. ppl have been searching for new apartment. I've been cleaning the hse.. I've bought all my shirt on boxing day.. yea.. Everything is done. and tomorrow.. And in a few hours, Im gonna be new!!

Hmm.. list of NY resolution..
1. To accomplish 2007 new year resolution.
2. To make sure i do what i say.
3. Wake up early..
4. Try to pon school for at least once (i nvr pon schl before..)
5. To get better in basketball.. 2007, must grab the rim!
6. Six packs!
7. To graduate from college with good results..
8. To manage my $$ properly..
9. Try not to forget my friends' name.. (believe me anot. this is diff.. Each year i forget 1.. In 1 month, i forget that square face's name is Mr.Eng.. -_-.. all i remember is square face.. haha..)
10. To make sure i shop more on 2007's boxing day..
11. More independent?

yay yay!!.. Everything is listed.. Hope i can finish it all at the end of 2007!

Anyway.. new year, new principle..
2004- No worries, happy go LUCKY!
2005- Focus.. Mind over body
2006- Impossible is nothing.. He's human.. I also am.. I can do anything that other can..

and 2007!!
this year i muz stick to 2 principle.. yea.. 1 is improved frm last year tho..

- when things are so called impossible.. u must show that u could do it.. But when things are possible.. u gotta work harder to accomplish it..
- Dont complain.. Complaining showed that you're WEAK.. that you're unable to handle things.. Dont complain.. FIX it..

fooo! listed everything.. haha, and im proud to say.. some of the 2006 resolution that's been accomplished

1. I learned how to drive.. Haha.. Now i could drive manual cars *grin
2. I know how to swim!! Omg.. greatest achievement on 2006.. I wun sink anymore.. tee hee..
3. I've done what my parents wanted for so long.. haha.. (They wanted to kick me out to Canada -_-)

yea.. haha.. I've failed some of 2006 resolution like having my driver lisence..

Thanks God 2006 have been fun.. Even though O level was struck in our head.. But still.. Life is soooo good.. *until now* Sigh*.. Thanks to my friends around me.. haha. They've been accompanying me around.. Joke ard.. yea.. n they remove all my stress n burden ;)..

Hmm thx mum n dad for 2006.. Thx for all the scolding and discouragement.. (yea.. conservative chinese.. they believe that they could made their son work hard by discouraging them).. Anyway.. It works.. haha.. Thx for the hard work kickin me here :) And thx for all the money they gave me.. haha.. love you :)

peace out..

Friday, December 29, 2006


At last! an update.. yeah. veri bored.. do nth.. haha.. School orientation start on Tues next week! yippie!! at last sumthin to do.. haha.. been boring in the house (no mood come out.. the street full of shopper n its bloody cold!), with 4 dogs.. Bleh.. This is the 1st time i see ppl own 4 dogs.. N whenever the postman came.. They'll bark like hell.. OMG!! i miss school.. soo much.. The rust in my brain is accumulating. -_-.. Salam's gonna be an idiot soon. arhhhh..

Shoot.. havnt play ball for a month! omg.. my stamina is deproving like shit.. i hate to train myself or jog on this shitty weather.. haiz.. whenever i breathe in the cold air while running.. my lung feels like bursting.. Haiz.. what do you expect.. asian -_-.. hahaha..

lets have a recap what i 've done during these christmas day..

Christmas eve (24 th dec)
- do nth.. ahah.. what i love abt christmas eve is.. CHRISTMAS EVE DINNER!! yeah.. In Canada, christmas is the biggest things in the whole year.. Man, everyone decorate their house and whenever you walk along the street at christmas eve.. You'll see all house is lighten up with those christmas theme.. niceee :)..

Christmas day (25th Dec)
- All shop in Canada was closed 24 hours! omg.. even the beggar didnt work :P.. haha.. 1 thing i love about christmas is.. Its the day of giving! Yeah.. Ppl here not only think about getting present for their family and relatives.. they also care about those helpless ppl.. Omg.. u wont believe what they've done to those who have financial difficulties and other things.. And im proud to say im somehow involved in giving too :).. haha.. Man.. these kinda things wont happen in Indonesia. Now you understand why lotsa poor ppl in Indonesia.. Coz the ppl there are all selfish ass! They love to get but hate to give.. (same goes to my parents) ---> Omg.. whats wrong wif me.. i love to insult my own country.. how unpatriotic.. haha.. but.. i LIKE IT :)

christmas dinner.. my first christmas turkey! haha.. evryone here eats turkey on christmas dinner.. And each family got their own secret receipe on making it.. Glad to say, the family where i stay with DOES know how to cook delicious food :) Man.. cant wait next year christmas :'(..

despite evreything we do on christmas. Sometime people gets to forget what christmas is all about -_-.. Just remember.. Christrmas is the season when people gives and get.. No matter what race you are.. what skin colour you got.. even what religion you are.. the hell with christmas is just only for Christian (freaking understatement)... yeah i know it's Jesus' birthday.. S0? we celebrate it by giving :)..

Boxing day (26th Dec)
- Yeah!! This is the most excciting event in the year after christmas!! Guess what.. Its super duper huge sale! haha.. things goes like.. buy 1 get 1 free.. or.. sale up to 75%! yee haarh.. I know the Singapore 'great' sale was damn huge.. But... Here.. Its "ultimate" sale.. haha.. the street are freakin full of people.. Man.. Not only that.. Some crazy enough to stand the whole night.. The shop open on 8 AM on Boxing day but they queue on 5.30 PM the day before (which is christmas).. But guess what.. their hardwork pays.. They gwt an 44" plasma tv with just CAN$500.. (newspaper said that they saved 1500 buks!!)

Hmm.. Boxing day.. f coz i also goes shopping :D.. bahh.. i went to shop latter. Coz, im not crazy enough to fight with those rampant shopper -_- (some shop.. those 1st comer or buyer get unusually good bargain).. I went around some mall and guess what.. i got
- LeBron IV nike basketball (foo!! black in colour n got LeBron James logo!)

- Adidas T-Mac Jacket (haha! got the same pattern as adidas authentic. black in colour and got 3 red stripes on the sleeve.. and got T-MAC's signature on the back *grin! bloody nice)

- Adidas T-Mac basketball pants.. (i got see 1 at adidas shop in vivo... haha.. since it's on sale.. i just buy.. got the T-Mac logo on the side of the pants)

yeah! i really cant wait for nxt year christmas.. hehe..

post-christmas day (27th Dec till now)
Hmm... been slacking at home.. aint got any mood to go out.. some shops're having their boxing "week" not day.. yeah.. thats y, the street is still quite full.. haiz.. Evryday.. its just Eat, Sleep, Computer and Walk ard -_-.. Cant stand this kinda life! igotta do something! arghhh.....

thinking abt new year resolution.. Hmm.. what thing should i improve on myself.. haha.. Any idea guys?

signing off

Friday, December 22, 2006

a whole new world

yeah.. at last.. my parents goin back Indonesia.. haha.. hope they have a safe flight.. yeah2... they must!! haha.. alright.. Now.. Im really all alone.. Bahh.. i tot it'll be fun.. haiz.. lets just hope the fun part will come later.

yeah! since im here.. n nothin to do.. YET.. (coz my schl start on Jan).. I shld do sumthin to excite myself.. haha.. yeah!! here got lotsa things here that i could do to EXCITE myself butt.. nahh.. its way too dangerous and risky for an innocent boy like me :P..

Hmm.. it's cool to be independent but.. sometimes i dont have faith in myself.. haha.. So, to get things right, 1st thing i must do is to resist temptation around me.. haha.. YEAH!! kkz! Mike.. no more hentai.. no more surfing those "websites".. haha.. and Mike.. no more naughty things under your parent's nose.. Mikes gonna be a good good boii.. haha..

alright... time to change my world.. hmm.. I dunno how long it'll take but.. I will achieve these..
i will DUNK! i will create my EIGHT PACK! haha.. N i will enter UBC..

haha.. At spore.. Im just a noob basketball player who could only trash talk to evryone.. Hmm.. My daily monotone schedule is..
1. Study (bookworms)
2. Play (basketball n pool)
3. Church (cell grp n chc)
4. Go fren hse fuk ard..

Hmm.. gotta try new things now.. Gotta go to gym n build up!! yeah2!! haha.. if i think abt myself, actually there is a big FAIL stamped across my head.. yeah.. i can only do well academically.. hmm.. nth else? I know im not a superman but.. sometimes.. i wish i could do and good in many things.. bahh.. this is what happen when your parents dont let u to try somethin different.. bahh! i wanna do many2 things in my life.. haha.. some things are just too dangerous so i wun consider doin it unless im in the state of dying :P.. but.. Im bloody hyper.. i wanna do this and do that -_-..

bahh.. time of enjoyment is over.. haiz.. preety sad.. (lotsa my 'older' fren say ppl shld fuk ard more n hav fun on his youth).. wtf wif my world.. its like.. All my fren could fuk ard more but i muz get serious in things now.. my world is dictated by my mum.. haiz.. I dun wish to complain anyway.. im just frustrated -_-.. too much burden to take.. anyway.. heck care wif it.. Im completely on my own now.. haha.. so.. time to do somthin.. Mike's wing has just started to grow! yippie!

*Santa.. I've been a good boy.. So.. U' better do your job properly*


zzZZZ.. These few days.. Your face had always came out in my dream.. ;).. that last hug.. the warmth feels like forever.. ~J~

Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 14, 2006


alrighty.. start to update my blog.. 2 more days to get my macbook hehe.. anyway.. before i start.. i wanted to..


hmm.. in all sort of things..

1st of all.. wanna thanks those people who thon at my hse.. without them.. i will be super lonely.. haha.. thx to Wei Jun, Jonathan Tan, Jun Chao, Yiu Hung, Benedict, Min Zheng, Jonathan Choy, Kenneth, Min Zheng, Yong Jie, Boon Keng and Khoon Fai.. haha.. thx you all for accompanying me :)

i wanna thx my cell group hu gimme lotsa lotsa lotsa things..

photo frame; basketball; Shannen's cute lil card and phone chain; khoon fai's notebook and BASKETBALL JERSEY!! OMG.. i was shocked when i opened my luggage.. he secretly stuffed them when he thon my hse.. ; Irene's DKNY cap and Zhong Xin's Ed Hardy's cap; Llyod's cross chain.. Gosh.. 1 f my favourite :)..

i also wanna thx people who send me off.. haha.. ppl like Chao, Boon Keng, Soon Chang, Benedict, Yiu Hung, Shikin, Jaz, Irene, Khoon Fai, Llyodd, Daniel Ang, Pin De, and Eugene..

haha.. Thx for Yiu Hung's small lil 'leisure' and Shikin's lil turtle..

and at last.. haha.. kept the last for the best.. thx Jaz! for have given me lotsa lotsa things. for bein my partner during Prom.. foo hoo!! for persoally gimme the most things.. Your sweater, lollipop ( i dun dare to eat.. keep it for memories), book for me to read at the plane, letter, poems, and lotsa lotsa things i wun forget.. man, you rocks! i wun forget things that you ever done.. OMG.. made me 'sporesick'.. not home sick.. haha.. anyway.. take care guys at there..

orh yeah.. i also want to say


for the things that i've done. I know im super irritatin.. haha.. i sometimes jokes ard and sometimes it goes overboard.. im sorry for all the TRASHTALK that i've made. haha.. does i need to say sry for trashtokin? hehe.. Chao.. I'm gonna dunk on your face and you'll smell my armpit.. and Hung.. Phoenix are signin me in nxt year.. HAHAHA.. time to hav NASHed potatoes..

and.. ( READ THIS PLS!!!!!) sorry guys that hav send me msg and i aint reply.. its because.. MY PHONE GOES NUTS THE DAY BEFORE I WENT.. i dont know what happened but right after church.. the mmc card went crazy.. most of the data is deleted and tha da.. from 400+ mb memory left till 74 mb.. shoot.. lost some photos and all my songs!! anyway.. i also lost the messege centre number.. made me couldn sms.. thats y i couldn msg u all back -_-...

kkz.. lets start.. 2 weeks holiday at indonesia.. learned how to swim and drive.. yee haaa!! Michael learns to rock!! haha!! i know how to drive manual cars.. hehe.. (izzat sumthin to be proud of? lol.. some indonesian start drivin at 14!).. lol.. at last.. i know how to swim.. yeah.. wun be drowned anymore.. hehe.. kinda funny.. i'm now 16!! OMG.. thats shameful..

yeap during the holiday cant do too much things.. thanks you all for accompanyin me.. haha.. EDWIN!!! thx for drivin we all to taman lawang (the part where LADYBOY lives in Jakarta).. that freaks me out! lol.. they look preety at the outside.. damn chio!! but when the upskirt.. they got BALLS!! BHOEEEKKKK -_-..

anyway.. reached Vancouver, canada.. here is where Steve Nash start playin basketball.. hahaz.. and Avril was born at Canada.. Orhh yahh.. if you guys checked the Ben N Jerry Ice cream.. it also imported frm here :)... hahaz.. Im gonna be white and fat!! Ohh Noooo... like what my mum want!! (bai bai pang pang) kids.. haiz..

the planes went from Jakarta Vancouver and it transit at Taipei.. time taken fro Jakarta to Taipei.. 6 hrs.. damn... and after transit there for 3 hrs, i got 10 hrs journey on plane frm Taipei to Vancouver..

LOL.. reached Vancouver.. Guess what happen.. Me, my dad and mum lost all of our luggage!! omg.. total 5 luggage and all of them isnt there.. trhey said it is left either in Taiwan or Jakarta.. #^@%#^@%#!!!!! ARGHH!!! first 2 days.. NO UNDERWEAR TO CHANGE?? BWEHHHH!! luckily they compensate $ 150 canadian dollars.. for us to buy sumthin to wear.. haha.. thats worthless.. things are bloody ex here.. normal food cost minimum 6 bucks.. the tax are blooodyyy high here.. man.. i hate it.. the foods are 2X the price at Spore.. I dunno y my mum and others said that its nice and not that costly studyin here compare to Spore...

Anyway.. 2 days ago the airport people just sent our luggage.. thanks God!! at last!!! its thursday here.. 16 hrs earlier than Spore.. thats long.. haha.. man.. couldn chat wif u guys because of the time difference.. anyway.. when i get my macbook i'll update when i will be online at most times.. haha..

Great news.. been walkin ard here.. for sometimes.. haha.. lotsa Hong Kong and Japanese chio buz!! haha.. i got a brazillian, mexican, american, and japanese homestay mate here.. hehe.. The Brazillian guy and Japs gal are quite old tho.. Japanese are cool.. haha.. they're in their 30s but.. they looks like 20s.. gosh.. my bro wanna hav japs to be married with.. haha.. good luck bro..

the people here.. hmm.. quite friendly but.. i still like spore more.. maybe coz im not really get used to it here.. but.. wait till i went to e college and found some new friends.. haha..

Oh Yeah.. the China Town.. man.. It ROCKS!! got lotsa ppl speak cantonese.. and the food are authentic. They ain cook like those sucky hong kong restaurant at Spore.. hahaz.. i think Ben, Hung and Chao would love it there.. there're chio buz and nice foods.. what else that man want? hehe..

OMG.. the gal here are serious.. the are too westernized? u know what i meant.. aint sure tho.. for example.. I'm walkin across the street and i saw this cute petite lady that looks down to the earth.. and when i walked pass her.. She smiled and gimme a wink.. I like.. duhh.. do i know u.. and.. bloody hell!! you looks so innosent but you %^#%^^&#^!!! such a waste..

alrighty.. guess thast canada eh.. i wan SPORE!! man.. mum aint let :'(.. hikz... anyway.. miss you guys.. Its weird that there're noone's backside is there to play.. isnt it Chao? hehe.. anyway.. update later..

Singnin off


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